If you are facing a tax audit or have been accused of criminal tax offences, we can help you with our many years of experience. We support you in the processing and documentation of past facts in order to refute possible accusations in a factually substantiated manner. Many of our attorneys are also qualified as tax advisors. Professional expertise combined with experience in procedural law allows the best possible representation of you interests.
In the sense of a “first line of defense”, we also advise on the implementation of tax compliance management systems. The initiation of criminal tax proceedings does not necessarily require a deliberate misstatement of tax-relevant facts, but can also result from the subsequent discovery of unknowingly misstated facts. As a result, responsible corporate bodies are confronted with accusations of tax evasion. In order to reduce the risk of submitting incorrect declarations in advance and to document the effort to behave honestly with regard to taxes, measures and processes can be set up preventively in the company. An effectively implemented tax compliance management system thus has an exculpatory effect for corporate bodies in matters of criminal tax law.
Feel free to let us know via the contact form what the reason for your contact is so that we can support you in the best possible way.