Consent Preferences

Holistic consulting through interdisciplinary perspectives.

We see things in context and understand consulting as an overall task of different disciplines. We look at issues from an entrepreneurial perspective and bring well-founded experience in tax and business law from practice and science to the advice.


More than 50 professionals, many of whom have dual qualifications in a variety of disciplines, stand for our decades of experience in providing comprehensive tax and business law services. Specializations in specific fields as well as authoring and teaching activities shape the minds behind us and build the foundation of our daily work. 


The holistic and comprehensive advice of our clients is our ultimate goal. It is what manifests our identity and our self-image. We consider issues from an entrepreneurial perspective and bring sound experience in tax and business law from practice and science into our consulting. Our special focus on tax law enables us to recognize cross-connections between different areas. This forms the basis of our consulting services. 

About us

For more than four decades we have been at the side of companies, the people behind them and their families. In addition to providing ongoing support in the form of accounting and the preparation of tax returns, we are also dedicated to solving complex tax and business law issues in a national and international context. We are characterized by interdisciplinary consulting with special expertise in tax law, in which we recognize and fully embrace the entrepreneurial interests of our clients. In this way, we develop economically sensible, practicable and sustainable solutions.

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